NWA Women in Networking

Friday, April 25, 2014

We have asked our winner from our Most Memorable :60 Commercial to answer a few questions for us this month, so we can highlight her business as part of her prize for having a SPECTACULAR :60 Commercial at the April WIN meeting.   Please take a moment to get to know Stephanie Arwine with Ladybug Pest Control Better by reading this short question and answer section.  We are certain you will learn something new about Stephanie!  She is also offering $50 off for Pest Control for WIN members, so give her a call 479-696-9791 or click this link to get more info on her website!

Briefly Describe your company and what you offer?
"Ladybug Pest Control offers an eco-friendly alternative to pest control services.   Common pests include ants, spiders, crickets, beetle, fleas, bed bugs, and roaches.  In addition to general pest control, Ladybug also offers TERMITE INSPECTIONS AND POLICIES.  We provide service/inspection for both residential and commercial properties."
What do you think is your competitive advantage?
"At Ladybug, we pride ourselves on being customer friendly.  We respect our customers's time and property.  Our products are safe for kids and pets.  We treat in cracks and crevices NOT baseboards.  With few exceptions, you will not be bothered by fumes and have to clean out your cupboards nor be concerned with leaving the home."

What do you enjoy most about your job?
"My favorite part of the job is the people!  I am by nature an introvert.  I am not comfortable in a group setting, however, my business gives me the EXCUSE to pick up a conversation and get to know them.  I have met so many amazing people from all over the world, with so many different stories.  It is amazing!"

Do you have a target market you are seeking or would like to break into and why does
your product or service appeal to this market?
"My service area IS NW Arkansas.  Although my preferred area would be from Bella Vista to the north and Springdale to the south, I do, however go as far as Farmington, and Pea Ridge, and run up and down highway 59 to the west (Gravette, Decatur).  My best referral partners are property management companies, title companies, and Real Estate agents."

Why do you see networking as a viable way to market your business?
"I have been networking for about 9 years now.  Before that I was depending on print advertising.  I have found that a referral is much more likely to "close" because the trust has been transferred from you to me.  That makes it much easier to give a fair quote and quickly move on to the service."

What is your best networking tip?
"Have ONE TO ONES with your referral partners!!!  If they don't know you, they won't refer you.  EVEN WHEN THEY KNOW YOU, have one to ones with your referral partners!!!  It is easy to get busy and "forget" that I know someone that can help you."