NWA Women in Networking

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Happy July!  We are excited about our next meeting on July 16th at Theo's.  Click the ticket link on the side of this blog today to get your ticket!  You won't want to miss this one!  It's our quarterly Round Robin!  We are excited about learning more about you and your business and building that all important referral connection.  In July, we are going to be focusing on connecting.  And, to prepare we have been asking how WIN ladies connect with customers and referral partners.  As we hear good ideas we are going to share them with you.  So, here is an idea for connecting that caught our eye and we wanted to pass on!  If you read the paper, browse trade stories online, etc. try making use of that information.  If you run across a story that features a customer or colleague or talks about a topic you think they would be interested in, think about sending a copy to them with a nice note.  It's a great way to connect!  If you have a way that you connect with colleagues, customers, or referral partners think about sharing it with us.  In closing this post, we will end with this quote from Facebook Founder, Mark Zuckerberg, "I think a simple rule of business is, if you do the things that are easier first, then you can actually make a lot of progress."  Connecting is easy, especially when you have a group of ladies like those in WIN that want to help you!  Hope to see everyone at the July Meeting.